In life as in dance: Grace glides on blistered feet

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

+-FiRst PosT-+
This is mY first post for my bloggie... hehee, first of all I really have to give credit, *drum roll* to my darLing!!! Hehee, thanx a lot of dear for helping me changing and editing this blog while I was busy playing games. *gagax* It is really nice and I really like it, so friends, do give me some comments on the designs so I can ask my dearie to change for me *bOo*. Decided to use my bloggie to update my daily events and my LJ for the private thingy, hehee~! sO friends, if you wanna read my LJ, go sign up and ask me to add you as friends huh.. heex.. As I was saying, I will be adding more things to this bloggie to make it more fun, so if u all got any good suggestion will love you all to tag me yaz, oh yeah, If you wanna me to link you up, tag me ur add ok?? or msn me also can *smilez*

Really really sick for these few days, serious flu, cannot take it le today , so went to see doctor. I have two Packet of ANTIBIOTICS not to mention another three more packet of yucky medicine too.. ewk.. I hate taking medicine, but gotta force myself to finish it.. Need plenty of rest and water to get well, still contemplating if I wanna use the MC tomorrow, see if i am lazy tomorrow bahz... I going to be piggie now le, or tomorrow really cannot wake up le.

P.S: I will try my very best to update reguarly, but seeing how lazy I am, pls dun pin high hopes yeah~! (u_n)

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