..:: uPdatEs ::..
Okie, I admit.. i have been lazy to updat my blog and after dear install a new game into my lappy, I have been addicted ever since!! *guiLTy* ok.. i promised this update gonna have photos k...Decided on taking up the advanced diploma offered to me by the school le, gonna be a extremely busy third year for me.. but anything for moI future.. weNyan and cLarisSa, we will worK hard TogetHer.. we gO mOnash together ok!!! Dearie have handed in his application to Monash with Danie just now also le.. hmm.. we are going to Australia together.. *excited* but relieved that at least he is there with me!! *loVe hIm*

me and BabY

i loVe yOu baBy
Had a quarrel with boyfriend last few days again, yes.. I mention again.. I typed a complain letter to him and complained all that I am not happy with him.. not gonna mention the deatils here, cos it shall it shall be between both of us, sorry peeps!! =) but everything is fine now, we are as loving as before.. I just relaised something.. make up kiss is the sweetest thing ever in a relationship.. hmm.. maybe we should quarrel me ahhz?? wahaha.. *donk moiself* well, I think this quote is rather true : "Love is like a knife, it can stab you in the heart, but can also carve out the most wonderful memories". Anyway.. I changed my blog skin le, all thanks to boyfriend!! but after seeing Melissa looking through blog skin in class today again, i feel like changing again.. damn!! hahaz..
Ok.. I offically declare I wanna go on diet.. although I alway have fats.. I also manage to conceal them pretty well, and I found that recently, it is harder and harder for me to cover up those stupid lump of fats and that will mean diet.. More veggi, lesser rice, lesser meat, more plain water, No tidbits,more exercise.. okie.. i think i will give up in 2 days time.. hahaz.. I loVe riCe.. Oh man.. How??? * boiNk myself*.. dearie say he will support me and help me.. like morally?? hahaz!! By no mean.. i still love him!!
weNt over to my seconday school teacher house and had a hell out of the time there.. over 20 people attended the gethering outta of 40 in the class, can really say it is a good organising.. good work edmund!! *thumb uP* the gathering was good, seen a lot of my classmates and all of us changed.. hahaz.. people say i become prettier.. hahaz.. *fly up the sky le* the guys changed pretty much too and much of them are serving NS now.. good luck people.. do a good job in protecting the country yeah!! miss them tonnes and the catch up session was really good.. guys, we should have more of such meet up..my teacher daughter clar, oh man, she is so cute.. when I see her, feel like pinching her cheek and I had the honour of her kissing me on the cheek.. hahaz.. *honoured sia* below are some photos we took that day:

clar, so cute right?? *winkz*

clar again, with some silly pose... she love taking photos..

mE n Clar

claSs photo, though not all people are inside..

mE n HuipeNg

uS n QuIru

one More wiTh sweE laN

The GeRs iN tHe claSs..
Miss you gUys tonnes.. wish you all luck in whatever you all are doing in the future and everyone getting A level yeah!!
wow.. this seem like an extremely long post.. heez... ok.. to end off, some photo of myself.. trying to act cute.. hahaz...


me, mYself & I

wInk and Tongue.. =p

Hi- Five

TryIng tO aCt cuTe stUpidLy

mE n PoOh!~ I am lovin'g it!~*mUaCks*
okok.. stop puking.. told u guys I am acting cute le mahz.. hahaz.. thats it folks.. will update again when I am free worhz.. miss you all!! I am going off to play moi game le... *vanish*
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