fInalLy some UpdATe.. LOl
School has started for me once again. Moving on from poly life to university life is really a nerve wreaking process. Seriously, I would have thought that Republic Poly system was bad enough, but when I start to work around with NUS balloting and bidding system, I simply nearly committed sucide. School had started for about 3 days now. Today is Wednesday and I am at home, having no lesson, hee! Poor Vivian still has to go back for a 2 hours lecture.
Lectures are simply boring, maybe it could be due to the fact that it is the first lesson and all the lecturers seem to be propaganding me about how important is Chemistry, thinking skills, genetics, blah blah blah. But I really do thanks a lot of people in order for me to sucessfully get into university and I have promised myself that I will not let down these people. Saying so, I will work hard and try to get into the honours programs, doing my best and trying my best! Darling has been really supportive toward me attending school. Thanks a lot love!
Five months with my boy and he surprised me with a bouquet of 12 roses. Gee! *shy* I was really surprised as I alway have conversation with him on how he did not get me any flower before. And to date, that is the biggest bouquet of flower I have ever received. We went to took some neo print at Cineleisure after that, met Sharon, Jeffery , Doreen and Alvin there. We 6 kukus tried to take neoprint together despite we did not really know how that particular machine works! LOL, in the end, hmm, you can guess the quality of the masterpiece. Anyway, I will post up the photos as soon as my darlign scan them and send to me. HaPpy 5 MonThnivessary darlIng... Looking forward to more!
I have stopped working at Pool fusion then, gotten my pay yesterday. Thus, I have decided to wash off any matter with regard with that stupid company. Despite so, I truly hope that the case of the lost IC can finally come to an end. My life can revolved around my school, giving tuition, my family, my friends and of course my beloved Boy. I will also be updating more often now that I have more time in front of my lappy! Life is getting better but stressful as I can foresee, may my passion and strength lie with me to overcome the obstacles.
To dear Angie, Congrats on the engagement girl. Hope Remy can really give you the happiness that you have been searching for so long. One more thing, try to understand him yea, staying i hostel do post a lot of problem to couple, but work with him to solve them. May you two have a blissful future.
To the woof woof in the tagboard, whom I have no idea the person is. If you want to woo girls such as angie from my blog. I am sorry, she is engaged. I do not appreciate non constructive comments too. Be it my english is good enough, it is my business and maybe you really think yours english is really good? Think twice yea! Do not throw your own face. One more thing, this is MY blog, I can choose the type of english I want to type the entry, so what I like internet language and singlish leh? what can u do lehz? BUZZ OFF!
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