..::tHings a BoyFriend shOuld do::..
- Sneak up behind her
- Grab her by the waist
- tell her shes beautiful
- tell her she has amazing eyes
- when your friends walk by say this is my girlfriend
- Say i love you to her face not overthe phone or myspace
- if shes sad take her in your arms andtell her everything will be okay
- kiss her on the forehead
- when you walk with her walk slowly.
- Tickle her even when she says stop
- Call her just to say I Love You.
- Don't be afraid to hold her hand in public.
- Dont say i love you Unless you MeanIt.
AnGie darling, if you are reading this, I dedicate the above to you ok! Please learn to stay happy in a relationship and dun let urself get hurt again and again. Find a guy that will really treat you well all the times and not the honeymoon period only. I know it is difficult to let go fo R... now but do you think you will gain more happiness being back to the happy, cheerful and confident Angie that I know and met in my Poly? Gurl, know that your friends are alway by your ur side no matter what happen okie! I still love you as much as last time, if it is so.. i will hold your hand in public and announce you proudly to my friends if we are walking on the street k! *cheer up my gem*
Christmas has came and gone, followed by new year, the next event, CHINESE NEW YEAR. hmm.. but CNY will never be the same as last time with my family problem and my grandfather passed away. Nevertheless, I have my boy to accompany me on those few days and not forgetting my weekend darlingxs.. haha! Let me see, Doreen, Diana, Darren, ALvin the joker... ... and many more. Hopefully my boy will not get guard duty on the few chinese new year, let me pray...Holidays are coming to an end and school is reopening yet again. haiz, talking about school made me sad seeig my result for semester 1 to be that bad. So bye bye slacking and it is serious time to work hard.. Pig and ngee jie advise me not to take up too many tuition assignments and concentrate more on my studies. Think it is pretty wise eh! lol! SO I am going to stick on to my tuition assignment and one more Primary 4 kid in TPY. A brand new start to a brand new year.
WELCOME 2007!!!
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