..:: dUsty PosT ::..
Think I am being cursed and swared by a lot of people of being lazy to update my blog... gee... how everyone know what a lazy blogger I am... =P Furthermore, I am addicted to a Korean show, DA CHANG JIN... so damn nice and touching.. *sob soB* but anyway, I think i will update my blog before someone hold a chopper and run after moi!! *hOhoHo*
First thing first, Think i really very long never update my blog le, why the page for the create post become so weird. The option portion is so blardy long and weird... is it the blogger is down or is it only myself is weird? hMm...
Anyway I have handed in my FYP first draft le...one big burden off my shoulder, that why I have so much time to watch my vcd.. hOhoHo.. Hopefully Doreen can faster correct and hand it back to us... though I dun have much faith in her though!! Even thought my FYP is more or less done, the next thing to do will be PP, but somehow i just cannot find the motivation to start doing it.. haiz... plus my tutee PSLE and final year examination are all coming up.. so worried for them... *pRAY haRd*
When to do protein treatment for hair again with Clarissa, Wenyan and Sham... I kana the weird weird stylist but he seem quite nice even though he like dunno what to talk man.. *lOlx* But the funny thing is that the stylist manager, D*****, sms me and ask me out for a movie... I was like "what the" ... haha!! Now I really must have the second thought when I am going down there again.... I must go down with one BIG group... wahahah!!
School going to reopen next week le, but the strange thing is that the result for the last semester till now is still not out yet.. I really hope that I can get at least 2As for the result. Proteomics understanding test 4 result is out le... and I get a ... *drumroll* A .. yippy... now I can forfeit the first C i gotten for the UT 1... Phew... now really hope to get into a good class for next semester, din really enjoy some of the classes I attended last semester, torturing to even think back.. but anyhow... good luck to myself bah!! *cross finger*
Anyway, befor I end this post I wanna dedicate somthing to ANgie:
Ger... I know that you wanna people to encourage you so that you have the strength to hold on to your decision to hope that Shuan will turn around one day. But seriously, like I told you, it is really very heartache to see my dear friend to be so sad and heart broken... I really hope that you can be happy and lead your way. This might not be what you wanna to hear but seriously my dear... listen to your heart k...but whatever you choose, I will support you. But the main thing, is dun regret your choice and follow ur heart. Without a man.. there are still a lot of sistas outta standing by your side de!! *jia You*
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