Spent a quiet christmas eve with baby, went out for dinner with baby's family, then went back to his house and snuggle up in the bed counting down to christmas between both of us only. Christmas gift from him was a U.R.S bag that I wanted and a surprise that will be kept between us only. All I can say I am shocked once again! lol~ New year eve was spend having bbq with baby's friend at Pris condo! All the preparation and smoke were crazily fun just becos he is by my side =D. Afterwhich , me and baby, allan and gf plus louis wth gf headed to ECP to see the red flares that are shot out from the ships at the strike of 12am. Ended the day with porridge for supper b4 heading home to slp! Was so tired! =D
I have decided to take up my honours year since I can predict that the economy for 2009 is going to be very bleak and hopefully by 2010 it will get much much better! CNY is coming and I cannot wait to spend it with baby. Every quiet and simple moments are made to be so magical just becos of his presence! DUn tell me that I am in love, becos I clearly know it myself I am SO in LOVE! Take a peek at the photos below: