In life as in dance: Grace glides on blistered feet

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Life cannot be any happier for me now!! haha~! HOliday, thats the big event. Finally, a whole 3 weeks of torture are gone. And there is something that I learned in this process and that is that birthday, sickness and examination really make a super duper bad combination. Neverthless, I am 20 years old le!! haha~! and I got my Anna Sui perfume!! haha, with courtsey from my boy friend! yippie... Btw, Thanks Catherine darlIng for still remembering my burfday, haha! I mISs ya a lot ger! *muacks*

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mY pREsSie!!

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burfday Ger wiTh preSsie

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I love yoU babY!

Anyway, I was super sick, sown with fever and flu during the 3 days when I am having my 3 major papers, gRrRRr, it is really a torture man. But was really touched by my mum. She gotta work but still take care of me like a little princess, and so worried that I cannot go for my paper... *awW* thanKs muMmy, I loVe ya!! *muacks*

Now that the examinations are over, I am so going to relax and slack man. But the next sem aka battle start. Seriously I think Uni is super duper stressed, kinda of regretted going in. But thanks a lot to a lot of my friends that encourage me when I was feeling so down while studying for my examination. People like Angie, Wenyan, you gers are the best. I am going to continue my slacking period right now... lol!

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*lOve loVe*

..::signing off witH HUgs anD KiSses::..