I am been spending fruitful days for the past few week, mainly working at Big Boyz Toyz, training for my dance, having my dance examiniation, dance performances and not forgetting about celebrating my birthday!! hee!! Really busy but really well-spent!
I was working at the Big Boyz Toyz exhibition can Expo, pay is rather good, $10 dollar per hour. The experience is really fresh as I have to dress up as an angle, gee *stop luffing you!!* while my friends has to dress up as cowgirl, devil, cheerleader and nurse respectively, mainly characters that guy fantasy about. Expo is damn cold and so many of us fall sick, now getting better le hopefully. Anyway, if you dress up like this and walk aroung the IT exhibition to give out flyer, so many phtotgrapher will come and ask to take photos of you, it is so weird!! I even has people giving me cards of modelling agency and ask me to be model, but HELLO, I am like 160cm only?? hee... Some photos:

The gers without me~!

mE and sham
Dance has been super busy. I have been training like mad in preparation for my CHinese Dance grade examination, which took place at 24th November. A big burden seem to be off my shoulder once I had finish it, now what left is the result le. But news don't seem so well, apperently, my instructor has already got our grade and she mentioned that the examiner has super high expectation on my grade as it is the last grade of the CHinese Dance grades. Oh well, think I will not hold too high a hope to obtain good grade! =P On the other hand, school dance is fun, we just had a performance in school in view of hosting the Japanese students that came our school and that are all so cute. The guys and gers are simly so warm heatening, they are so not shy and kept asking the dance people to take photos with them, so kawaii!!!! Now the next upcoming performance will be the open house performance and it is also going to be the third years last performer in school yet.. so hmm, suddenly feel so sad!
SOme photo of us and the Jap students!!

My birthday was spent working in the morning and the afternoon, but I really want to thanks everyone that greeted me and make an effor to remember my borthday. I am so touched. AT night dear TRY to organise a surprise cake cutting but he did not realised his acting damn poor sia!! haha~! but I do appreciate his effort thanks alot!
Next up will be thank you list:
- Darling for being so sweet and organise the suprise cake cutting ceremony! *muacks*
- My family members who are alway so dear to me!! ( jie for the bag and ray for the Fox T-shirt!
- Catherine dear for calling me all the way from Thailand to wish me happy birthday!
- Wenyan and ANgie for coming down for the celebration so late and the PooH!!
- Celine and DIana for the sweet pink top and celebrating with me.
- Vincent, Andrew, Angelina, Nana, SImon, Wilson, Junyi for coming down and celebrating with me.
- Weixun kor for the sms greeting!
- Lynal for the waffle as cake?!? *gee*
- Sham, Vanessa for working with me and ur greetings.
- Markus for the msn greeting.
- Wei Hong for the late greeting. =P
- All that wish me and I really cannot remember le... really thanks a lot friends, you all made my day special!! *muacks*