+[[models are ugly!!!]]+
My sister is one of the organisers for the annual elite models competition. Watching the tv show like American Next Top Model and other shows, I alway had the impression that models are women that have wonderful body and angelica face, BUT!! But after looking at the photos of the finalists of the Elite Top Models, I really think that the standard of the women are really.... hmm, only one or two are pretty. Come to think of it, the models are normally extreme thin till they look like slogging their back, so ugly,with some super drmatic make-up, is it due to their ugly faces? bleahs, ok.. I have nothing against model and I do admit I had saw some really pretty models, but the standards I see now... hmm!! Go and take a look my friends: http://www.elitemodellooksingapore.com/blog_main.htm
Think you can look at their blogs too, some pretty funny with nice photos too.. Go take a look~!!
Preview of some of the finalist:

Tan Yuxiu


Shi Yun








Watching the Cancer charity show now while typing this entry, come to think of it the nkf issue had been over for a long time, but i think that the memory of what happen still linger on people minds, cause looking at the figures jumping on the television now, it is like so slow. Hopefully the show can be success bah, can really see that the celebrities put in a lot of effort into this show.
By the way,
ANYONE STAYING OR KNOW PEOPLE STAYING AT PASIR RIS DRIVE 3 TO 10 BLOCK 633 TO 737 OR BEDOK RESERVOIR BLOCK 726 TO 738 ??? please contact me... my dad is doing this job on conducting sort of a survey and need to find people staying at these places. Please help me k!! *winkz*